What's up guys!! We're back from one of our busiest weeks ever!! Yola's first stand-up show at the Hollywood Improv, our meeting at YouTube, our first ever live event in Palm Springs. There's so much to talk about it... lets gooo!!!!
"10 Gram Hash Hole!" Unrestricted Ep #3
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YO a meatcanyon episode sounds heavenly
I just watched iron claw and wasnt really a fan of wrestling but man that movie was depressing but so good. when i saw you guys had rick flair on i was so hyped.
Always loved watching you, Especially with marty and the podcast. Feels like hanging out with you guys. Fan since giving weed to strangers in public and have watched everything you've posed since then. Hope to see you guys in Dublin, Ireland at some point in time🔥🇮🇪much love and DOPE AS USUAL UNRESTRICTED is the no 1 podcast in the world
happy to meet u yola!! i was the ran who ran up with the sharpie for the guys bong. dope ass show, hella laughs we me and the homie. that blonde lady sold me prerolls that originally got from ian the short bald dude 2 for $20 she charged me $26 when i said ian gave them to me for 20 she said wait for him. bitch